the metamind


Step into your most magnetic timeline & start taking action towards your wildest dreams by releasing sabotaging patterns keeping you stuck, amplifying your cellular light, and co-creating with the quantum field.


limited to


doubting to magnetic


mind driven TO

who could you be in 3 months if you went all in?

Your life is always evolving, whether you consciously guide it or not. So what if you chose to do so with your unprecedented intention? Who could you become?

Imagine the possibilities if you:

  • Live in unwavering alignment with your purpose

  • Actively prioritize your personal evolution and energy every day

  • Take action as if your success is inevitable

What if you knew that within the next 3-months, your deepest desires could become reality?

What would it feel like to have twice as much impact while acting from alignment instead of hustle?

Picture the coming 3-months as an accelerator deeper into your purpose, power, and authentic truth.

A journey of stepping into Manifestation Mastery.

from wishing to being

You are in the right place if…

You're an emerging or established leader, here to birth something greater than yourself. You want to crack the code on manifestation, because right now…

  • You've manifested small things like parking spots, but can't seem to crack the code on the big stuff like your dream house and soulmate relationships.

  • You feel like everyone around you is expanding and landing amazing opportunities with ease, meanwhile, you are working the hardest of them all - and still, things are not moving like you wish they would.

  • You’ve tried affirmations and vision boards, and know exactly what your dream house and partner look like - yet it’s not showing up in your reality.

  • You find yourself saying, "I'll be happy when..." but that moment never seems to arrive.

  • You're struggling to balance your drive and desire for presence, you're either all work or all play.

  • You're tired of feeling guilty for wanting more when you're already doing well on paper - and ready to claim the impact and abundance you know deep down that you are ready to step into.

Overall, you can feel that next level calling you, but it seems just out of reach - no matter how hard you try.

My guess is that you’ve spent a lot of time looking for your magnetism in all the wrong places…

But here's the truth: no amount of workouts, outfits, or lipstick will ever be able to unveil your authentic radiance and magnetism.

No amount of vision boarding will attract in more if your subconscious belief system doesn't believe your next level is safe…

Sure, you might look fantastic on the outside. You may be doing all the right things to “hack” your magnetic energy…

 But true magnetism?

It comes from a much deeper place.

As long as you have sabotaging- and limiting belief programs running your life underneath the surface, you’ll never be able to magnetize your wildest dreams. 

When this is your reality, your wildest dreams will remain just that - wild dreams. Because your nervous system does not feel safe to attract it in.

The real magic happens when you master the inner game.



Shatter the limiting beliefs currently keeping you from stepping into the next level of self, and who you know you can become.



Enhance the light of every single cell in your body - so you have boundless energy to chase your mission, and have fun doing it.

Connect to the divine intelligence that is always present, through connecting to the quantum field and learn to quantum leap in a way that others think of as “miracles”.





manifestation method

A 3-month transformational journey designed to step fully into your purpose, power, and magnetism. To elevate into the next level of the game. 

A journey of stepping into a New Era of SELF.

Inspired by who you know you can be, rather than limited by the thoughts of who you used to be.


What if you could manifest your dream house, relationships, and clients with ease and joy? It felt like everything was coming to you, rather than you constantly having to chase it. And you knew that it was not just a one-off - because you had a recipe to keep stepping into your next levels of evolution. 

Knowing that you could not fail

What if we stacked that with subconscious reprogramming, creating patterns within your mind that would set you up for success? So you could finally get out of those self-destructive loops, you know you should, but have not been able to yet?

You could make an even bigger impact.

Then, we gave you an understanding of your unique blueprint and taught you how to cultivate a connection to the heart and collapse time by connecting to the quantum field.

Imagine, an even BIGGER impact.

If the brain fog wasn’t there anymore? You woke up feeling energized? And you learned how to live your life in a way that enhanced your energy, rather than diminished it?

You would be freaking GREAT, and you would be able to make the world even greater with ease.

Can you feel that presence? It's not a dream – that's your BIRTHRIGHT.

it’s time to STEP INTO


why the metamind manifestation method?

When you have boundless energy available to you, and pair that with a strong connection to your heart and your purpose - you can start to collapse timelines and become the person you know you can, but that always feels a little bit out of reach. 

Because you have the tools to:

  • Amplify your biological light, rather than searching for enlightenment outside of you

  • Rewire subconscious programs that stop you from taking aligned action

  • Connect to the quantum field, where there is no time-space and collapse timelines FAST to manifest your wildest dreams

Your results (money, love, clients) are the byproduct of the person YOU become.

  • Have a published book described as “the best Norwegian book on health that’s been written” after barely having been able to read a few years earlier

  • Be featured by Mindvalley, Ada Divine Awakening and Goss Magazine (some of the biggest platforms in the industry) for my work

  • Support thousands of people through their evolution to their next level of self through my podcast, sound healing ceremonies, and mentorship

  • Create the Vibrational Vortex Sound Healing Method and host ceremonies for thousands of people all around the world

  • Build a soul tribe community of conscious leaders globally

THat HELPED ME build THE SELf-leadership AND energy TO:


Let's be crystal clear: this isn't a quick-fix solution or an overnight transformation.

Life is an ever-evolving journey, constantly inviting you to grow and expand. This program is your compass for that journey - designed for the version of you who is ready to embrace life's challenges with open arms and use them as invitations into your highest potential - rather than an excuse for why you can’t get there. 

Are you ready to step out of the zone of “almost” and write a book known as the best in your niche, be featured on industry-leading stages, and impact thousands of people through your work?

Are you ready to call in your dream property and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs and leaders who are on a similar mission?

Are you ready to switch hustle for alignment and learn how to do all this by attracting, rather than chasing?


This isn't just another short-term program - it's an immersive experience that will rewrite your inner coding. Think of it as crafting a new operating system for yourself.

By the end of our time together, you'll have:

  • A deeper connection to your authentic self and life purpose, and a roadmap of exactly where you need to go next

  • Practices to increase your energy, and wake up every single day excited to take the next step toward fulfilling your mission

  • An ability to manifest with ease, and make miracles happen on demand (yes, that means writing a best-selling book, manifesting your dream home, or attracting the love of your life)

This program is your launchpad to step into the next level of impact, purpose, and leadership.
Are you ready to take the leap toward your potential?

i’m going to be honest with you



The Inner Light Activation System™ consists of three pillars. The Spark, The Cellular Light, and The Divine Light.

Each pillar is uniquely built out, to build on one another. 

This method combines neuroscience, biohacking, and quantum physics, as well as mysticism, somatics, meditation, and sound healing to help you manifest the life of your wildest dreams. 

It has been built out after spending over 10 years and 500,000$ dedicated to self-development, human optimization, and spirituality. 

We merge intellect and intuition, and bring in the best from eastern science and western mysticism, to build a unique method combining the mind, the heart, and the body.

A complete recalibration of the divine blueprint in your cells, for you to collapse timelines fast - and alchemize wishing into being. To take your dreams out of your head, and bring them to life.

the spark

For the first 4 weeks, we get clear on your vision for the future and who you want to become before we dive deep into the subconscious mind to clear out blocks and limiting beliefs keeping you from accessing that potential.


Energy to live out your vision and purpose in this world, to feel energized, radiant, and happy. To have the capacity to hold the blessings and challenges that ultimately come when you expand into next-level leadership and greater responsibility.


Biohacking, synchronizing with nature’s rhythms, nutrition, training, light environment, circadian and infradian optimization, and work habit optimization.

the cellular light

We spend 4 weeks amplifying your cellular light, which shines within every single cell in your body - 10,000 times brighter than the sun in the same volume.


Create direction, clairity and teach you methods to alchemize fear, doubts and limitations, and guide you back to your unlimited self. Anchoring into worthiness, so you are ready to claim your desires.


Subconscious understanding and rewiring, meditation, sound healing, shadow work, radical honesty, and crafting a clear vision for the future.

the divine light

We spend the last 4 weeks learning how to connect to the quantum field and collapse timelines, to become magnetic for your desires and manifest FAST.


Demystify manifestation, understand quantum entanglement, learn how to collapse timelines, create miracles on demand, and create a greater understanding of your unique blueprint.


Demystifying manifestation, understanding quantum entanglement, heart-brain coherence, ancient mysticism, kundalini, and quantum physics.



The online learning portal opens March 17th. There is a 3-step process to the content in the course, and throughout it, you will get access to worksheets, journal prompts, somatic practices, meditations, and sound healings. Every other week we have live calls, staying on the same timeline and process of evolution as a group.

live calls and teachings

You’ll get access to transmissions of the teachings to cultivate understanding through a private Skool community. In addition, there will be live calls ranging from hot-seat coaching and Q&A to subconscious and somatic practices, and guest lecturers. This way the material becomes something you don’t just know in your mind, but fully feel in your heart and integrate into your life.


A network of likeminded people who are ready to step into their Next Level of Self trough a private Skool community

Cecilie will make herself available to answer questions every Thursday if you need personalized assistance on your journey, in addition to Q&A calls.



Guest lectureres that are experts and authorities in their fields.



  • You have a burning desire to make your mark on the world. But you've been feeling stuck in a loop of almost-there success. You've got the drive, the ideas, and the work ethic - so why does your dream life still feel like it is just out of reach

  • You've tried the vision boards, the affirmations, the endless hustle. But deep down, you know there's got to be a better way. One that feels aligned and joyous, while you're making a massive impact.

  • You're ready to break free from the cycle of "not enough" and step into your authentic power. To wake up feeling energized, in alignment, and like the right people and opportunities keep finding you with ease. 

    If you're ready to step into your next level and embody the version of you who's already living your dream life, you're in the right place. 


  • You're resistant to guidance and new perspectives

  • You're not ready to make changes 

  • You can't commit to dedicating time to your growth each week

  • You're seeking an external "quick-fix" for your challenges

Remember, I'm not here to "heal" you. My role is to offer you the tools to tap into your innate wisdom and strength, so you can tap into the magnetism that is already available to you - and start manifesting FAST.

Your transformation? It starts with you choosing YOU.


CECilie stabell

Expansion Mentor, Author & Ceremonial Spaceholder

Over the past 3 years, I've learnt from the best in the field: Dr. Joe Dispenza, Delphi Mystic School, Stephanie Estima & some of the most experienced Sound Healing Teachers in the world.

I’ve traveled to Colombia, Peru, Spain, Mexico, Norway, and the US to learn from lesser-known teachers who live so off-grid that you would not know who they are because their devotion is to hold strong pillars and codes for the era we are entering into - not to be big-shot names.

I’ve shared my medicine at industry-leading platforms like Mindvalley and Ecstatica, and been featured in Goss Magazine and Medium.

Throughout this, I’ve developed a unique method of sound healing called Vibrational Vortex combining hypnosis, intuitive singing, crystal alchemy bowls, reiki, and kundalini, which is often referred to as “psychedelics without substances”, “angelic” and “completely mindblowing”, which I now share in different formats around the world - witnessing incredible transformations.

And all of this led me to create The Inner Light Activation System, which blends neuroscience, quantum physics, and biohacking with ancient mysticism, and feminine energetics - empowering you to become a conscious creator of your reality and master manifestor.


- Break free from disempowering cycles that have kept you stuck for years, flip the script fast, and step boldly into the life you're destined for.

- Expand your nervous system to hold the blessings and responsibilities that come with each new level of growth and leadership, by amplifying your cellular light capacity and energetic field. 

- Harness the quantum field to collapse timelines, accelerating your journey to manifest what you truly desire (the new relationship, dream house, expansive community, or even more financial freedom).


Whether it's having a an industry leading book, being a public speaker on international stages, a podcast host speaking with the world's brightest, or simply upgrading your life, relationships & financial situation - this method allows you to have it all.


6 years ago, my reality was very different…

I could barely read, was depressed, chronically sick, and underweight.

I was out of alignment with my purpose, without enough energy to act on any of my dreams, and so locked into “according to science” that I completely disowned the wisdom of my own body.

Then... I started to learn the tools I combine in The MetaMind Manifestation MasterCourse, which completely flipped the script of my story.

  • 3 years ago, I got to experience what it meant to be an adult without being chronically sick for the first time

  • 2,5 years ago I stepped deeper into the path of co-creation with the universe and mysticism and saw so far beyond the veil that there was no way back to old programming after that

Now I live a life of love, loss, fulfillment, and challenges - like every other human being.

But I have the resources to handle it. And I know that I am the creator of my reality, which makes every challenge an invitation into my next level and higher potential, rather than something blocking me from where I am meant to be. This means that I expand FAST - and have the capacity to hold the upgrades.

Let’s Talk investment

pre-pay now with presale pricing

And save 33%





$780/ month
for 3 months


$555 / month
for 5 months

WE ARE CURRENTLY IN presale pricing, which means prices will increase. 5-month payment plan will only be available until feb 14th.

  • The Quantum Light Activation System is different from anything I have ever seen before (which is why I developed it). It is unique in the way it bridges neuroscience, quantum physics, biohacking, feminine energetics, and ancient mysticism. 

    I’ve spent a long time finding repeating patterns between these different systems, sciences, and traditions, that I’ve broken down as easily understandable models for you to amplify your radiance, and magnetism - and start manifesting fast. 

    This goes so much deeper than visualization, which is often the main pillar of other manifestation programs. You’ll get tools to work through your limiting beliefs, learn how to co-create with the quantum field, amplify your unique magnetism, and increase your capacity to hold a certain frequency and responsibility, that ultimately comes when you start leveling up. 

    A lot of people are great manifestors, but they have no idea how to hold it when their manifestation finally arrives. This is a full process ridding you of the reason why you are manifesting the things you do not want in the first place. Teaching you how to bend time and manifest fast. And have the capacity to hold it when it arrives. 

    Every mentor, facilitator, and teacher out there has their own unique transmission, who they are and the codes they bring into the program are of equal importance as the lessons themselves.

    So, if you resonate with me and what I share - then that itself would be a strong reason to enter into this - as there will be so many transmissions way beyond what any webpage can show.

  • Yes, this program is for you - even if you already have long experience with manifestation, subconscious work, biohacking, neuroscience, mysticism, energetics and/or self-development. We go deep into this container and build out frameworks of understanding I don’t believe you have seen before, as this is a completely new system.

    This program is unique in the way it combines the mind, the heart, the body, and the soul, taking into account the physical as well as nonphysical. And if you are already deep into these concepts, I suspect you might enjoy it even more - as I am quite the nerd on what I teach, and want you to not only see, but actually be able to understand and fully feel why these concepts are powerful.

    If you are deep into this work, you know that there are always new levels and layers available to be unveiled in order to step even deeper into your authentic truth and magnetism.

  • The beauty of group programs is that you are walking this path alongside others with similar values and visions, similar struggles and frustrations.

    Sometimes we hold beliefs or loop in repetitive cycles where we are not able to see ourselves, but seeing someone else go through something similar, can often help us recognize our own limitations. 

    You also get access to an amazing network of other visionary leaders.

    And get so much more time and resources for a fraction of the price!!

    If you desire 1:1 work with me, you will get the opportunity to add additional 1:1 as you move trough the payment process.

    If you are ready to invest and want to work exclusively 1:1 with me, I offer private mentorships for a minimum of 3 months, as well as 1:1 retreats.

    This means it is just you and me immersing ourselves in a transformative experience completely tailored to you and your needs.

    Please email: if you want to learn more about this.

  • Once the group is set, I will offer suggestions for a few different call times, and you'll get to vote on what suits you best.

    If you are not able to attend the calls live, they will all be recorded - although I highly prefer it if you come live to fully feel the group field.

  • Ok, let’s talk investment. I am happy you are thinking ahead and being responsible!

    I actually love this question, because challenges are one of the main things you’ll learn how to tackle in the course. And sometimes - money can be one of them. 

    I have learned that what I believe to be my reality, will become it. (And I am not saying that just to have you make an irresponsible investment that you can not afford, just hear me out here.)

    Whenever you truly want something, there is a way to make it happen. 

    But, that means we have to confront the beliefs of why we can not, in the first place. 

    So, let’s say the voices in your head tell you that you can't afford this.

    That voice is likely a limiting belief and not the actual truth. 

    There is a difference between you making an investment that would be incredibly irresponsible, and you stretching your limits to invest in who you know you can become. 

    What if you rephrased the question from “I can’t afford this” to “How can I afford this?”

    If the government raised your taxes and you’d have to pay an extra $3k by the end of the year or go to jail, you'd find a way to make it happen. You'd get creative, and figure it out.

    When you push past that limiting inner voice, you've already won half the battle.

    I'm being direct with you because I've witnessed the transformative power of these practices firsthand. I've lived it myself. I know, without a doubt, the impact they will have on your life - and I would love for you to experience it!

    If you can step over those voices, you will crack open into your next level in a field of gratitude and empowerment within the next few months. And you’ll be so incredibly proud of the person you chose to become. 

    You’ll get access to a network of other incredible leaders on a similar path.

    The results you get (money, love, clients, community, career) are a result of the person you become. And the first step to stepping into that reality - is choosing to. 

    The reason I have gone from barely being able to read to writing one of “the best Norwegian health books ever written”, moved to a new country all by myself, and performed at prestigious stages such as Mindvalley, is because I chose myself over and over again. Even when it did not make sense to anyone else.

    And instead of listening to those limiting beliefs, I stretched them, challenged and changed them.

    We are currently in presale pricing, so this is the cheapest this program will ever be. 

    If you are ready to take a stand for who you know you are meant to become, this is the time. We offer payment plans. Right now you have the opportunity to get my life's work for about 6$ a day for a year. 

    If you are not ready to take the leap right now, I understand - and that is also ok. If that is the case I offer free content through my Instagram and Podcast, please use this to learn, expand, and reprogram. It will help you get to the level where you’ll be able to take a leap into this program. And I’ll be so happy to welcome you here when you do!

  • Each week there will be a new theme, and videos relating to that. In addition, you'll get access to worksheets and action items. You will receive access to meditations and somatic practices that should become part of your weekly routine. 

    We will have additional live calls in different formats: Q&A with Cecilie, sharing, guest experts, sound healing, and somatic practices, depending on the different themes.

    All together you can expect to spend about 3-4 hours a week on the content. However, the change is just as much about what you do in between the calls.

  • The program starts march 17th. This is just before equinox where nature goes into it’s blooming phase, the perfect energetic backing for you to uplevel.

  • No refunds. Once you are in for the journey, you are financially committed.

the door to your next level opens

when YOU start CHOOSING YOU.